Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend! Michael works on Sundays so we do our Easter on Saturdays - so Saturday morning we woke up around 6:30 and Peyton had completely forgotten about the Easter bunny, so as he was playing in his playroom, I snuck out put the basket down where he could see it.. he was SO excited to see a kite, a jump rope, a shirt, LOTS of candy. He tried out the jump rope immediately.  Then he went to the back door and said "where are the eggs!?" I told him that he couldn't see them because the Easter bunny hid them so well (or hadn't hid them at all yet, but he didn't know that!) so as Peyton and I are getting dressed to go outside, Easter bunny daddy headed out front to hide the eggs - and boy what a hunt that was.  

We went inside and opened up all the eggs to find money and candy in each of them. Peyton was so excited! We proceeded to head back outside after it warmed up and played with our jump rope.  

Next we went to Indigo Farms to pick some strawberries. Peyton had so much fun walking through the strawberry fields and picking the strawberries and let me just say, those were some great strawberries!

We went to my mom's house later that night so that Peyton could dye the eggs for the Easter egg hunt and boy was he a mess!

Sunday we woke up and daddy had to go to work, so it was just me and Peyton. We headed to my mom's house around 9:30 for a 10:00 egg hunt at her house with my niece and nephews. 

Finally after it warmed up a bit, my brother and his family and me and Peyton headed to the beach until dinner. 

It was such a great weekend.

This week my dear friend Jaimie and her husband are in town, so I will get to spend some time with them for a little bit! Yay!

Friday, April 6, 2012

What a way to start the day

It is amazing how a little comment can ruin your whole entire day.  This morning, I was going over the events of the day for Peyton to get him excited about spending the day with my dad.  As I am finishing up the "wrap up" I say, "you will play all day with Grandpa, then I will come and pick you up..." where I am interrupted by "No... I want daddy to pick me up, not you...." I know this seems like a simple statement, but honestly, I get tired of feeling like the nanny. I do all the cleaning, all the cooking, etc., and my few joys involve spending time with Peyton, and then I hear this?! Really? What have I done wrong that I can't ever be the one that is chosen?

Who does Peyton ride home with after spending all day with me... Daddy.
Who would Peyton rather have pick him up from school - daddy (or granny or grandpa).
Who would Peyton rather play with (other than Sophia) - daddy.

Sometimes I feel like that kid on the playground that is always picked last. For once, I would like to be the cool and popular one.